Thursday, May 24, 2007


Remember the first episode of Queer as Folk when Brian's car gets spray-painted with the word "fag" and he drives off screaming "faggot!"?
Well, the same thing happened to one Erin Davies, 29, in Albany, New York. But instead of trading up her wheels, and driving off screaming "faggot!"or having the vandalism covered up, she's taking her fagged-up VW across America to educate people about hate crimes.
How very cool.
Erin's keeping a blog about her pet project -- the possible TV deals, the strain on her relationship, the fear she sometimes feels about driving around with the word "fag" spray-painted on her car -- you should definitely check it out. In her latest post, she writes about a group of teenagers who laughed right in her face as she pumped gas:
He came within a few inches of my passenger side door and kept laughing in my face and finally took a camera out of his pocket and took a picture of me and the word "fag" and kept laughing, and finally gave me a thumbs up and one more laugh and walked away laughing with his friends. It was a big fuck you to me. Not pleasant. It was probably the most disturbing moment I have faced thus far with this whole thing. He totally invaded my space and it made me feel pretty small.
That line about feeling small really hit me. It's how I felt when I was walking James home from the hospital and two guys released the breaks on their car to scare me and then call me a faggot. Words may be words and sticks and stones, bla bla bla, but it's those moments when you're confronted with the reality that some people just don't think you matter, that you don't even deserve to exist. So you can be a successful whatever you are, you can be creative and noble enough to turn a hateful experience into an opportunity to educate others, and then some blowhard can happen along to push you into a corner.
Well, here's snaps to Erin for not backing down and fighting the good fight.


James Henry Bailey said...

it's those moments when you're confronted with the reality that some people just don't think you matter, that you don't even deserve to exist.

Hmmm.... that reminds me of what a certain GayConservativeLiberal wrote about Ann Coulter....and called us gay conservatives "fags" and "faggots".

Make no mistake, I would grab that bitch's hair and make her eat every last strand of her hideous peroxide blond locks. Now some faggots might like Ann Coulter's brand of hate mongering but not me. Those "conservative" faggots who applaud her and George Bush and Dick Cheney deserve their moniker and every last insult spewed at them by their party of choice.

Further proof of your hypocritical, amoral, sexist, hateful, miserable view of the world.

Anonymous said...

dude chill out and stop defending ann coulter. fine, crawl into bed with her and prove how straight you are. why do u have to take apart a post that i make that commends someone that makes lemonade out of lemons?

James Henry Bailey said...

I read some of Erin Davie's blog. It is tedious and full of self-loathing. She is a brave woman. However, she drives her fagbug across America, pulls into a small town gas station full of loitering thugs, and when one of the thugs gives her a dirty look and laughs at her. And all she can say is: "He totally invaded my space." Poor baby. How about "Stupid fucking place for me to be!"

Someone called me a fag once. Guess what- I didn't care. And I can't imagine what all this fuss is about WORDS!

The guy who tried to scare you with his car is a thug. He uses brute force to "deal with" people or things he doesn't agree with. That's different.

My point in my previous comment was to illustrate a growing problem among liberals, one that is creeping like ivy to infect the minds and behavior of regular, otherwise rational Americans: the belief that certain people, the "right people", should be able to utter the same hateful language that they decry. You have no problem calling gay republicans and gay cnservatives "Fags" and "Faggots". And you use your blog to advocate, what most people would term "violence against women". But in this case, since the woman is Ann Coulter, it's ok in your "liberated" mind.

That stinks. It's wrong.

Rob said...

What we have here is a post celebrating the usual gay liberal love of being a victim. Well hurrah for being a victim.

You'll excuse me if I don't share your enthusiasm for self-imposed misery.

Anonymous said...

well here's a note from erin davies herself in response to what james said. FYI I didn't drive into a gas station with loitering thugs, my tank was on empty after i got out of work and stopped at a gas station i go to all the time in between getting out of work and getting on the highway to go home. it was 3 16 year old suburban kids walking down the street who laughed in my face. my cross country trip hasn't even began yet, and it doesn't until june 25th. between now and then i am living my life as i normally would, driving where i normally would. it's people like you that make this whole thing interesting. way to blame the person exposing the problem for the problem itself.

Anonymous said...

and it's funny you can read my actions as self-loathing. i feel this is the most empowering decision i've ever made.

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Anonymous said...

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