Sunday, August 05, 2007

An Open Letter to John and Hillary

Hey guys,

Thought to send you a note telling you how annoying and hypocritical you both are.

A few years ago I decided to come out to my parents and tell them that I'm gay. After my mom swept up the shards of glass and porcelain from the kitchen floor (my coming out was a smashing success in my family's Brooklyn apartment), she made one request: Just don't act that way.

Stupid as that request may be (I'll always carry a man bag, deal with it) I do think like my mom when it comes to politics. I know you politicians lie, I just don't want to know about it. Give me the most palattable version of your thoughts on war, poverty, education and gay rights and I'll vote accordingly.

For instance, I don't mind that many Republicans hate gays; they don't lie about it and I don't have to vote for them. But you're Democrats, and you talk about universal health care and righting wrongs, but you've sullied the name of our party by showing yourselves to be nothing more than a calculating dictator-in-the-making (that's you, Hil) and a rednecked southern homophobe (take a bow, John).

John, watching you whine about how you "struggle" to accept how gay people can possibly have the same rights as straight people made me dislike you more than I dislike our current President.

And I'll tell you why: George Bush had the decency to seek the support of people he knew to be as ignorant and backwards as he is. You, on the other hand, have pandered to liberals only to come out as an even bigger waste of time, money and attention than your former runnning mate.

The Dems are more than likely going to nominate you, Hillary, for the party ticket next year. And for the most part, you deserve it. You're cold, you supported the war in Iraq, in short, you'll do anything to get yourself ahead. That's pretty much the criteria (along with ridiculous cash) to run this country. So do you, girl.

But while you're climbing those last steps to the top, may I recommend you start your own party, you know, the way Hitler and Fidel Castro did? You might want to call it the Benevolent Sow Society or The Ruthless C*nt Click. Because real Democrats, people who believe everyone has the right to protection under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, are few and far between.

Anyway guys, best of luck with this whole Presidential race thing -- FYI, just to spite you, I'd vote for Mitt Romney, another avowed homophobe and - gasp - a mormon. Right before packing up my things and moving to Rio.



Anonymous said...

So, wait.... you're going to punish Hillary and Edwards by voting for another candidate who is open about his intention to hinder gay rights? That's an interesting statement. I agree with you on Edwards. During the You Tube debate, a southern minister likened his using religion as an excuse for his homophobia to descimination against blacks under the guise of religion, or what's "christian." Edwards is nothing more than a bigot and I'm glad he was honest about it before I even thought about casting my vote for him. Hillary may be an opportunistic politican, but at least she attracts those idealists who are more committed to the gay agenda. Vote for Rommney and you'll get nothing more than another 4 years of the same shit....and your "statement" will make no one the wiser.

Rob said...

The dirty secret is that the democrats hate gays more than you think Republicans do. Look at the legislation they've handed us and tell me I'm wrong. Know who gave out that anti-sodomy law in Texas? It was Ma Richards and her merry band of legislature democrats. Add in Don't Ask/Don't Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act and...well you get the picture. Or at least you should.

Another secret is that democrats loathe everybody who isn't on their cocktail party circuit. Remember when you told me a while back that blacks are incapable of anything without the democrats? Just exchange "blacks" with gays, whites, Jews, Christians (well they just flat hate Christians and Jews), Asian, Hispanic, poor etc.

Try explaining how destroying millions of families with the never ending trillion+ dollar "war on poverty" is loving and compassionate. Meanwhile, the liberals are demanding that we stay the course.