Saturday, December 09, 2006

Iran, and the U.S.: Play Nice, Kids

Let by-gones be by-gones. That's pretty much what Nelson Mandela did after he was released from 28 years of captivity during Apartheid in South Africa. No reprisals from the native black communities were to be launched on their white oppressors; for Mandela, progress was as much about looking forward as it was about accepting that no amount of vengeance could undo the horror suffered by millions for so long.

And so a similar challenge is presented to the U.S. as our self-proclaimed enemy, Iran, offers to step in to help us "save Iraq." To save Iraq, for us, would be to find a way to end the violence in the country, establish some sort of truce between the Sunnis and Shiites, and leave the people in the hands of a democratic government.

It's a safe bet that Iran has a different vision of salvation.
From the BBC:
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has said Tehran is willing to help the US withdraw from Iraq. But he added that Iran would only assist if the Americans changed their attitude towards Tehran.
AKA: Let us kill and torture women as we see fit, let us spread our myopic interpreation of ancient texts-turned-law across a hotbed of fanaticism, and stop thinking that just because we're building a nuclear weapons arsenal and we hate you that we're going to build a coalition of pissed-off Muslim countries to kill all of you.
In this case, Mandela's example is just not applicable. Neither the U.S. nor Iran are willing to put arms down and shake hands. Instead, Iran's latest foray into the international scene is an affront to the work the US is doing in Iraq.

I bring up Mandela's example, though, because it goes to show that the world is ever propelled forward by the acceptance and manipulation of evil. China, for instance, is taking over the world and has no qualms about doing business with Sudan. Russia's private sector is benefiting from the lucre of arms deals with Iran. South Africa is moving forward in spite of deep-seeded racism. And in the U.S., Presidents Clinton and Bush Sr. are the Nicole Ritchie and Paris Hilton of international goodwill.
So here's what I say to our Commander-In-Chief: hear the Iranians out, know that a snake is a snake, and be prepared to step on its head as soon it serves its purpose for you. You know, like we've done with Noriega, the Somozas, Saddam and Osama....


Rob said...

First of all, Mandella is a total dick, but a victim so he's lionized. Second, the South Africans weren't up against a madman believing that he will bring about the end of the world.

Anonymous said...

OK, you're going to have to explain to me why/how Mandela is a what you said he is.

Unknown said...

Is it that hard to find negatives about Mandela? The Boers didn't make claims?

Rob said...

He's a victim and you're not supposed to speak against victims. You're supposed to hoist them high on a pedestal just like all the other total dicks the left holds in high regard.