Saturday, December 16, 2006

John Edwards to Run for President...YES!!


From USA Today just a few minutes ago (as of 2:20pm EST): Former Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards intends to enter the 2008 race for the White House, two Democratic officials said Saturday.

A handsome, patriotic family man from a red state. Love it. This race is going to get good. The Dems don't have to scramble anymore, the Obama thing was just a ruse, Edwards is the real deal. Phew.

If it were up to me, the Dems would have to narrow it down to John Edwards, Joe Biden and Hilary for the race. Why Hilary? Cause' she's caustic and faaaabulous. Like my girl New York on Flava of Love on VH1.


Rob said...

Former Democratic... two Democratic

That's Democrat, not Democratic.

Isn't this the same vacuous SOB who promissed that if we would only vote for John F.You Kerry, Christopher Reeves would walk again? I suppose if we only vote for the Breck Girl, who chanels dead infants for fun and profit, Reeves will be raised from the dead AND walk again.

Sorry to disappoint you, but neither Hillary nor "Osama Obama" are going anywhere just yet. The liberal media isn't finished with their Obasms yet. Give her time. She'll cut both of them off at the knees and they'll be dropped faster than Kwasei Mfume. Obama's black and the libs won't let him off the plantation.

BTW, what's the left's fascination with douchebags like Edwards, Clinton, Osama Obama etc. who have accomplished absolutely nothing?

Anonymous said...

You keep it real, TGC.

I cringe at my poor grammar in this post; I'm still doped up on meds for this pesky flu.

Anyway, totally hear you on Obama. So not my choice at all no matter how cool of a person I think he is.

And you're absolutely right, the MSM is going to shred these people in no time. Such is life.

Unknown said...

"...poor grammar..."? Maybe.

The official title of the party is, according to the website (, The Democratic Party. Note the party's use of "democrats" in the web address.

In the site, there is a headline using "Democratic seats" discussing the recent election.

It would seem that using "democratic" as you did is acceptable under the rubric of the ellipsis
concept...i.e., "former Democratic [Party] vice..." and "Democratic [Party] officials."

What is unseemly, and used as an in-joke slam, is when people who should know better speak of the "Democrat Party."

It's the same sort of person who uses offensively meaningless cant from the RNC in just about every conversation or web comment.

Anonymous said...

I think Edwards is a fine choice for Prez. TGC - You have to understand that this is politics. Edwards appeared to do nothing because his only job was to support Kerry and follow in his shadow. Remember when Bush Sr., was considered a "wimp" when he was Reagan's VP? We didn't like him when he became President but he certainly wasn't a wimp and had his own opinions. Edwards might be the same way -- except we might actually agree with what he has to say.

As for Hillary, her worst enemies are all the midwestern housewives who honor their husbands and think Hillary should be baking cookies like Laura. Unfortunately strong woman are either bitches or lesbians or both. Too bad this is still the American sentiment. Perhaps a little less testosterone would make this world a little more peaceful.

As for Barack Hussein Obama. I like him, but if you think people have problems with Hillary, are we really going to elect someone with a middle name of Hussein and a last name that sounds like Osama? Please. Let's not even go there.

Overall, we live in a country with fairly good schools compared to many parts of the world but we sure don't have a lot of common sense.

I can hardly wait to see how this plays out.

Berdo said...

John Edwards uniformly comes across as an empty suit to me. What is there to love? That he's good looking? He is perhaps the least accomplished, least attending Senator. While Kerry destroyed Bush in at least two of the debates, Cheney wiped the floor with Edwards in the VP debate. Edwards style, "I, John Edwards, will fight for the little guy...etc., etc., etc.," is used car politician speak - straight from another time. I can't imagine why the Democrats would lend their weight behind him. I really can't.