The language of partisanship is based on timing and convenience. When a Democrat refuses to divulge information on their personal life it's called "perjury," but when a Republican leaks information that compromises the safety of a CIA agent, it's called "OK."
The President of the U.S. gets a blowjob during peace time and in the middle of a spectacular economic upswing and our Senators think he should be impeached. Fast forward 10 years later and the Vice President's Chief of Staff leaks the name of a CIA agent, in the middle of "The War on Terror," and he gets NO jail time. WTF?! I hate to say it, but I'm starting to feel bad for Paris Hilton!
Why? Because Bill and Paris were railroaded for being trampy -- no one cares that Paris is a drunk driver, they care that she showed her cooch off in a sex tape and made millions of dollars off of it. People were WAITING to put a modern day Hester Prynn behind bars. And poor President Clinton? He "lied" about having had sex with an intern -- because that's who's business? Right.
Meanwhile the war on terror rages on, we haven't found Osama, soldiers are dying every day, and then the very people who started this war in the first place are putting their own countrymen in danger --- and no one says BOO.
And we're not supposed to laugh at this and scream foul? If only Osama would make a sex tape as opposed to those annoying, fuzzy videos -- the Republicans would have found him by now and would have sent him to Jesus Camp.
the Vice President's Chief of Staff leaks the name of a CIA agent, in the middle of "The War on Terror," and he gets NO jail time.
You are seriously misguided. Did you even read the article you linked to? It's from 2005 and is totally irrelevant today. You might be surprised to learn, if you ever read past the headlines of the NYT, that it was Richard Armitage who leaked Valerie Plame's identity. And what is the "Special Prosecutor" doing to go after him?
What was Libby's crime? At worst it was lying to congress as to exactly when and where he heard of Plame's identity. That's it. He was NEVER accused of leaking the information (depsite how CNN, BBC and NPR twist their reports). But since it is clear that he had NO motivation to lie in such a way, it is likely that he simply got his facts confused. Even if he had lied, is it worth a 20+ year jail term?
And Bill Clinton was accused of exactly the same thing. He was not impeached for the blow job. He was impeached for lying to congress AND the American people about the affair and the blow job IN THE OVAL OFFICE. Do you honestly think that such a relationship does NOT put the Commander in Chief and the US in a seriously compromising position? and, consequently, in jeopardy?
the very people who started this war in the first place are putting their own countrymen in danger
I will assume you are referring to Al-Queda, who declared war on the U.S. (while Clinton, who did next to nothing in retaliation, was in office.) I can't imagine that you are blamimg America for the war on terror.
GCL- I am starting to think you literally shit this stuff out: After a sizeable dump, prior to flushing, you take a look at your own excrement and say "Aha- an idea!!"
Grow up JHB -- your bathroom analogies are lame. Anyway, Scooter Libby lied to Congress -- you said it yourself -- the same grounds for impeaching Bill Clinton.
If you think Bill Clinton is the reason Al Qaeda is still around think again, moron. The CIA under Bush Sr was in bed with bin Laden during the war in Afghanistan and they were also in bed with Saddam Hussein. Much like we were in bed with Manuel Noriega -- the minute these guys got too big for their britches we tried to cut them off at the knees -- so happens that Osama found a lot of hungry, disenfranchised muslims to turn into an army of terrorists.
So shut up and accept the fact that this administration is run by criminals. We wanted to oust a perectly competent President bc of his personal trysts but we say nothing when four years into a war we have no sign AT ALL that our nation is safer and that Al Qaeda is falling apart.
GCL- the original post showed such disregard for facts (i.e. Libby leaked Plame's name) that I have to believe that very little thought goes into your rants. You are clearly more interested in attacking the current administration than you are on presenting a thoughtful debate.
There are a million valid reasons to attack the Bush admin. It does not help your crusade when your attacks are un-factual!
As for Al-Queda and Bill CLinton- in fact, I know that the last 5 presidents have a lot to account for regarding the growth of "radical" Isalam. However, Al-Queda declared was on the US while Bill Clinton was in office and Clinton's response was weak.
"Moron"? I could not possible agree. But I must have some mental deficiency since I seem to be the only person who still reads this promising, but disapointing blog....
and no one says BOO
WHAT??!! Are you kidding me? George Bush himself spent MILLIONS of our money on the investigation (remember, he hired Fitzgerald in first place!!). The country was subjected to 3 years of this investigation, from the Wilson lies to the Plame leak, to Tim Russert's apoplectic flatulations, etc. Next to the war, it was probably one of the most covered stories of the last few years.
So shut up and accept the fact that this administration is run by criminals.
You know, I think I will do just that. Typical liberal that you are, instead of hearing other sides of the debate, you simply want to shut me up.
How long will Berdo stay with you I wonder? You even lost Gene.
Good luck.
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