In case you were wondering, the Nazis were the original Village People. Before Stonewall, before Will & Grace, before Jay Manuel, the Nazis were sprinkling fairy genocide dust all over Europe. Because that's what the gay mind does, it kills people.
So says one Scott Lively, Christian-demagogue-extraordinaire, in his book The Pink Swastika
Need I remind you what happens when the ramblings of a madman find their way into the hands of other madmen?
Having found American bigots to be a bunch of sissies, Lively has mobilized an Eastern-European cluster of Pentecostal churches in the Sacramento area to form "The Watchmen on the Wall." The Watchmen, made up of Russian, Latvian and Ukranian immimgrants, are a hate group. And they also blatanly infringe on trademarks seeing as the official web site for The Watchmen belongs to some peace-loving pro-Israel Christian group.
The real issue with the trademark-infringing version of The Watchmen, however, is that they're turning violent: in August of this year members of the group beat a gay man in his 20s to death.
Of course, Lively hasn't stepped out to condemn the attack.
That didn't piss me off. This did: Lively is the former head of the California Chapter of the American Family Association, a right wing group who was praised by President Bush for its fight against abortion rights. God bless a bunch of clinic-bombing homophobes, indeed.
And there you have it. The axis of hate isn't this abstract concept and hodgepodge of crackpots from across the U.S., it's a very well-funded entity that counts on the support of our current administration.
(I hope) You've heard that speech about speaking out against injustice because at some point you're gonna need someone to speak out for you.
It should scare everyone that the former Red Menace is now some weirdly-gay-obsessed hate group that has the ear of the White House. It's not the Nazis, gay or straight, that we should be worried about. It's these pseudo-Christians, their deep pockets, and the bigots they've brought to power.
Your a freak.
You're a very angry guy.
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