Wednesday, September 12, 2007

When You Believe

As a person of faith, it's hard to process the events of the day without wondering what God thinks about all the mayhem down here.

That's my big, naive question on the anniversary of the 9-11 attacks. I could go into my thoughts about the MoveOn debacle (but it would only matter to crazy right wingers) or I could give kudos to Barack Obama for calling for the return of our troops from Iraq, but what I really want to know is where is this world headed?

Differing points of view on "God's plan" for mankind have left millions dead and billions more confused. (If) God is love, how much longer will it take for him to set the record straight on what he wants from us (if he wants anything at all)? Someone has to be on to something here, so who is it? Is it the jihadists? Is it the Christian right?

These questions are bigger, and more important, than our pithy elections and our over-publicized culture war. There are many points of view on how God wants us to live our lives, and these are all shaping the world we live in today.

Wouldn't it be nice, then, if we just got the facts straight up from the man in charge?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a gay who does believe that God is in ultimate power. God isn't finished with the world yet. Just as it took him hundreds of years to deal with Israel's nonadherance to His laws, so it may be a while til He deals with ours. Don't ask my why some 'conservative' Christions are so paranoid over gays. My belief is that God made us the way we are for a reason - it is up to us to find that reason and to fulfill it. In doing so we must stay close to His commands.