Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I Heart John McCain

Ask and ye shall receive. On Tuesday I said that John McCain should run for President. If Rudy Giuliani wants to explore anything, he should put his little friend Bernie Kerik to work on finding Osama.

But that's neither nor here nor there. John McCain is contemplating a run for the Oval Office himself.
I like McCain. I'm not sure I'd vote Republican in a presidential election, but I appreciate the honesty of debate he would bring to the race. And I really would listen to what he has to say. This makes me wonder what I'd do if Hilary ran against him? Yikes.
But unlike so many staunch Republicans who cringe at the thought of embracing popular culture, John McCain has really endeared himself to America's young people. I know him because he hosted Saturday Night Live. Can you believe this is the same man who spent five years in a Vietnamese prison camp? It's that sort of stuff that won the MTV generation over for Bill Clinton in the 90s. Remember the boxers or briefs affair?
This is brilliant timing for McCain to seed the press with a potential run. We're fresh off the Veteran's Day holiday and we're in tizzy over the Democrats' victory last week. What this means is that Americans are over Bush's Wild West diplomacy and want smart people LISTENING to them and SPEAKING on their behalf to the rest of the world.

OK, John. We're listening. Make us an offer we can't refuse.


Gay Conservative Liberal said...

Someone enlighten me. Is the above post spam?

Rob said...

I don't know about spam (most likely), but it's definitely copied & pasted.

Steve Nizer said...

Nice looking blog. Check out for McCain infor.


Anonymous said...

That is some choice spam up there.

Anonymous said...

McCain supports torture and Bush. How moral or honest can he truly be?

Unknown said...

Um...McCain supported the Arizona marriage issue. While that, alone, does not tarnish him too much, it does, at least, raise a flag of caution.

Pandering is a necessary part of running for office, but...

(If that above piece isn't spam, it ought to be. But how would it get past the sign in now needed?)

Anonymous said...

I wonder what would happen if John McCain switched parties like Reagan because he was "fed up" with what was going on. Just something to think about.

In any event, I would be really challenged by a vote for Hillary vs. John. I'm not sure Hillary has enough friends in Washington to actually get things done the way we'd like her to. A rational, more centrist republican might be more effective so we don't swing too far the other way as a result of Bush's big mess -- and have the same situation -- severe disparity among our fellow citizens.

This disparity is what we should be focused on. Forget what's going on in Iraq - it's going on here too - we're just not using guns.

Anonymous said...

I really admired McCain as well. I thought he was a moderate voice in a sea of fanatism and arrogance. His opinions and record made me feel that he was above the political mud slinging

However, as the recent elections neared the end I saw another side of McCain that I did not like. His politician side came up on several campaign stops as he focused on the petty instead of the important. I also detested how he caved into the Bush torture doctrine, which a man who went through the horrors of Vietnam and represents the interests of troops from all states, should have never supported.

It is unfair I guess to judge McCain on a few weeks given all his positives. He is definitely a new kind of politician a bit more removed from the special interests and moderate in his views. Whether he would make a good President or not is up in the air, but I definitely agree that he is good for the Republican Party and its improvement as a social and political institution.