Tuesday, October 31, 2006

From the GOP: Will You Still Love Us Tomorrow?

From the Miami Herald:
President Bush returned to Texas on Monday to rally Republicans in the heart of Bush country. He had his work cut out for him.
The president's visit to Sugar Land, about 20 miles southwest of Houston, was another indication of how tough times are for Republicans. Just a few years ago, no one would have predicted that the party would be struggling to hang on to the congressional district that launched former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's political career.

Sex scandals, a botched national security program, even in the midst of a healthy economy...hmm, late-90s redux anyone?

Hey GOP, do you know what it feels like for a Democrat? Now you do.

With things looking rosey for the Dems I still wonder if this means the White House will be ours in '08.

Here's hoping...


Anonymous said...

First of all, are you going to keep the advertisement/waste of space above?


Sex scandals, a botched national security program, even in the midst of a healthy economy...hmm, late-90s redux anyone?

What sex scandals? Can you name one?
Botched national security program? Says who? Seems to me that no attacks since 9/11 with multiple plans thwarted is pretty good. Perhaps not perfect, but what is?

At least you have the guts to admit that there's a healthy economy, though I suspect the KOSsacks may be putting out a hit on you. Further, if you'll recall (honestly), we were headed for a recession in the late 90s.

Hey GOP, do you know what it feels like for a Democrat? Now you do.

Lying, miserable, hate-filled obstructionist, oxygen thieves who can't put forth any ideas and don't dare run on issues or any display of what they believe in for fear of being defeated? No. I don't think we do. Nor are any Republicans likely to blame everybody else if somehow they do lose. Bet on it.

With things looking rosey for the Dems I still wonder if this means the White House will be ours in '08.

I'll remind you that things were looking "rosey" for the Dems in '00, '02 and '04. It ain't over.

BTW, I wouldn't rely on the Miami Herald for an accurate depiction of the GOP and I don't.

Gay Conservative Liberal said...

Unfortunately "Third World War" is entitled to their opinion. I'm leaving it up because they took the time to spam me :-)

Second, GOP sex scandals? You must be ignoring the Foley debacle.

Botched national security: 9-11 happened on the Republican watch.

"Lying, miserable, hate-filled obstructionist, oxygen thieves" -- love you, TGC, but you did say f*** liberals sideways. The GOP absolutely promotes hate.

"I'll remind you that things were looking "rosey" for the Dems in '00, '02 and '04. It ain't over." You're absolutely right. Pun intended.

Anonymous said...

It's been pointed out that there were six years of "no homeland attacks" after the first WTC bombing. These occurred during the Clinton presidency. No one is bragging about that, because we have learned that such bragging "rights" are mere puffery.

The enemy is the Islamic fundamentalist, not the endangered tax cut.

Anonymous said...

Second, GOP sex scandals? You must be ignoring the Foley debacle.

So how is it that you're the only one aware of any sex occuring?

The GOP absolutely promotes hate.

Hate? No. Not putting up with liberal bullshit anymore? Yes. If you're wrong, I'll tell you where to shove it. Does that mean I hate you, no.
Long story short, don't flatter yourself.